Tag Archives: curiosity

Just goes to show

I’m quite an easy-going person at the best of times and and will often not think into things even if they pique my curiosity. I like to leave sleeping dogs asleep (not really, I like to ruffle their cute snoring faces) not because I’m not interested but because I’m easily distracted.

That’s probably why I’m good friend with the beautifully inquisitive Se (leRibbet). She does all the finding out for me. The other day I was at her place and was wearing one of my favourite necklaces from Vamp Clothing (thanks Nicci, you legendary soul you). I was taking a pic of it to tweet for the lovely lolabythesea when Se asked me what was on it. I was like “oh just a little person and the words ‘Infant of Prague’ on it, and there’s a heart on the back!”

Se, being the clever frogglet she is quickly Googled the image and it turns out that there’s a meaning behind the “little” person as I called it:

It was originally a small wax statue given by Princess (a princess!) Polyxena von Lobkowicz to the Discalced Carmelites (Catholic religious order). Polyxena received the statue as a wedding gift from her mother, Maria Manrique de Lara y Mendoza (Spanish noblewoman). Maria herself had been given the statue as a wedding gift in 1555! The religious order professed their devotions in front of the small statue of an infant. It was lost and found again (with no hands) and it’s now in Prague where devotees go to Honor the Holy Child. (I admit this information is from Wikipedia so feel free to read more on it).

That’s a bit of a story but it goes to show. I would’ve continued wearing the necklace completely oblivious to the figure’s history. I love it when things have interesting stories behind them.

Thanks Se! xx